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Economic and Workforce Development Conference Economic and Workforce Development Conference 09/05/2008
2008 Economic and Workforce Development Conference Lynnwood Convention Center, Lynnwood, WA. Taking advantage of the green movement and how to rake in the money people are spending to convert to green products.
RAILROAD - GNP's Application Granted RAILROAD - GNP's Application Granted 09/07/2008
On July 14, 2008, GNP Rly Inc. filed an application for a modified certificate of public convenience and necessity under 49 CFR 1150, Subpart C, Modified Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (modified certificate), to lease and operate a segment of a line of railroad in the City of Snohomish, Snohomish County, WA.
Palin, Pitt Bull in Lipstick Palin, Pitt Bull in Lipstick 09/03/2008
Finally a woman as VP!
Palin, who made history as the first woman to run as vice president on the GOP ticket, proved her toughness as presidential nominee John McCain's new muscle.
NEW! AWB elections Web site NEW! AWB elections Web site 09/02/2008
Businesses and individuals searching for information on candidates for legislative and statewide office can now visit the new elections Web site launched by the Association of Washington Business.
On Thursday, September 11th, 2008, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States.
Reardon no model of fiscal restraint Reardon no model of fiscal restraint 08/29/2008
Perhaps if Snohomish County Executive Aaron Reardon set a better spending example for the County Council, he'd be more successful in getting their cooperation on budget issues.
Upcoming Legislative Meeting Schedule Upcoming Legislative Meeting Schedule 08/29/2008
Upcoming Legislative Meeting Schedule at the Vancouver HILTON. Wed, Sept. 03, 2008 - Thurs, Sept. 04, 2008 - Friday, Sept. 05, 2008, Location: Vancouver Hilton.
Snohomish Farmers come out for Mike Hope Snohomish Farmers come out for Mike Hope 08/26/2008
Mike Hope continues to rack up new supporters! With the addition of some Snohomish valley farmers support, it is only fitting that Mike continues to have a smile on his face.
Snohomish Football Jamboree Snohomish Football Jamboree 08/23/2008
Snohomish Valley Junior Football held it's Jamboree on Saturday. Players were able to show off their skills they have learned at practice. The Snohomish Valley Junior Football Association is recognized as one of the premier programs for learning football fundamentals. The regular season start next Saturday and will continue into October.
Trouble with bicycles in traffic Trouble with bicycles in traffic 08/20/2008
The trouble with bicycles in traffic is the gray area they occupy between pedestrians and motorcycles. When traffic is moving, cyclists want free and safe access to a lane of travel much like a motorcycle rider would expect.
Glacier Peak High School, Bu Ya! Glacier Peak High School, Bu Ya! 08/17/2008
Welcome to the new Snohomish high school, Glacier Peak! It's almost ready to except students and looking like the shining example of modern technology that parents in today's society are looking for.
Old Fashion Family Picnic at Hill Park Old Fashion Family Picnic at Hill Park 08/16/2008
Old Fashion Family Picnic at Hill Park, not only is the event free of admission, it is also free of vendors selling you food and things. The idea is old-fashion - you bring the food from your home in a picnic basket, and set out a blanket or use of the tables in the shelters.
Larsen, Democrats are out of touch Larsen, Democrats are out of touch 08/08/2008
What happens to politicians when they get elected and travel to Washington, D.C., for two years, four years, six years or more? It appears they lose contact with their home communities and the folks who elected them to office.
Seattle Hill Road changes are selfish Seattle Hill Road changes are selfish 08/14/2008
A considerable number of residents have to pass through or go around Mill Creek daily for everything from shopping to picking up the kids at school. We all know that 132nd Street, Seattle Hill Road and 164th Street/Mill Creek Road carry very high traffic volumes and have likely surpassed their capacity.
Smog Watch in effect Smog Watch in effect 08/14/2008
August 14, 2008  A Smog Watch has been called by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency for King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties. People who are especially sensitive to pollution are advised to limit their time outdoors. Even healthy individuals should consider limiting their outdoor exercise, or plan to work out indoors.
Council hiring freeze welcome but late Council hiring freeze welcome but late 08/13/2008
The Council ordinance follows steps enacted in June by the Executive's Office and Finance Department to stop county hiring. Since then, the Executive's Office has been successful in keeping open more than 160 county positions, saving money to make up a projected $9 million revenue shortfall.
Effort to Save Energy Effort to Save Energy 08/11/2008
Snohomish County, in cooperation with Wal-Mart Stores, has launched an expanded program to encourage the use of compact energy and cost-efficient fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). Wal-Mart Stores recently donated 4,000 CFLs to the county, allowing many more low income residents to receive these efficient light bulbs.
P-8A Poseidon Moves to Preflight P-8A Poseidon Moves to Preflight 08/12/2008
Boeing Integrated Defense Systems and Boeing Commercial Airplanes employees gathered today in Renton, Wash., to celebrate the completion of final assembly on the first P-8A Poseidon for the U.S. Navy and its move to preflight work.
White Americans no longer a majority White Americans no longer a majority 08/09/2008
White people will no longer make up a majority of Americans by 2042, according to new government projections. That's eight years sooner than previous estimates, made in 2004.
National Night Out - HUGE! National Night Out - HUGE! 08/07/2008
National Night Out, which was sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch and co-sponsored by the Snohomish Police Department, Snohomish Neighborhood Coalition, and Snohomish Fire Department, involved 11,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S.
Democrat Sex Scandal Democrat Sex Scandal 08/08/2008
Former presidential candidate John Edwards, who won nationwide praise and sympathy as he campaigned side by side with his cancer-stricken wife. Edwards recently endorsed Obama and has been mentioned as a possible running mate.
Snohomish residents interested in learning more about what makes their Police Department work now have an opportunity to participate in a 10-week Citizens' Academy offered by the Snohomish Police Department.
25th Annual National Night Out 25th Annual National Night Out 08/03/2008
On Tuesday, August 5th, neighborhoods throughout the City of Snohomish are being invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the "25th Annual National Night Out" crime and drug prevention event.
Sheriff arrives ahead of Sheriff arrives ahead of "THE BUS" 08/02/2008
The Snohomish County Sheriff, John Lovick, in one of the new Sheriff's department Black and White's, preceded "THE BUS" into Snohomish today. John Lovick the newly elected Sheriff took his oath in January of this year leaving his seat in the 44th legislative district.
News Helicopters Stop at Harvey Field News Helicopters Stop at Harvey Field 08/01/2008
Harvey Field was a busy place today! All three network news helicopters used Harvey Field as a stopping point waiting for the Blue Angels to finish their practice over lake Washington.
SVJFA Football Mini Camp SVJFA Football Mini Camp 07/29/2008
Snohomish Valley Junior Football held a football camp this week at the freshman campus. The Snohomish Valley Junior Football Association is recognized as one of the premier programs for learning football fundamentals.
Cinema Classic movies at Hill Park Cinema Classic movies at Hill Park 07/28/2007
The first of four Cinema Classic movies at Hill Park was a success! Thanks to the City of Snohomish, an evening of fun was absolutely free. Debbie Emgie was on hand to help coordinate the setup and attend to the 150th Anniversary fundraiser table. The Kiwanis were also there to give away kettlekorn to the attendees.
Medical Credit Scoring in Hospitals Medical Credit Scoring in Hospitals 07/26/2008
Businessweek has been doing a very good job covering one of the most important--and underreported--stories in contemporary health care--"the transformation of medical bills into consumer debt."
Gregoire Spending Spree Gregoire Spending Spree 07/25/2008
Spending increases under Gregoire have been crazy big, though not nearly as insane as periods of Democratic governance gone by, thanks in no small part to current Speaker Frank Chopp's obsession with protecting every single seat in his near super-majority caucus.
Rossi takes Kla ha ya Days by storm. Rossi takes Kla ha ya Days by storm. 07/24/2008
The Kla ha ya Days parade had many great entries this year, one favorite was Oxygene, he is the Community Transit Superhero. Of course you can't have a parade without the High school band and as usual the played well.
To Deep for first Tow Truck To Deep for first Tow Truck 07/23/2008
Unfortunate circumstances put Aaron, the driver of the SUV, in the ditch around 10:30 am today. Aaron stated he was headed west bound on Marsh road when he lost control of his Isuzu Trooper and wound up in a very deep ditch.
I-5 Everett crews start expansion joint repair I-5 Everett crews start expansion joint repair 07/21/2008
Now that crews working for WSDOT are finished widening I-5 through Everett, they have shifted their attention to improving safety on the old portion of the freeway.
County establishes, enforces new burn ban County establishes, enforces new burn ban 07/20/2008
Due to high fire danger and expected dry weather conditions, Snohomish County has established an outdoor burning ban for unincorporated areas beginning 8 a.m. Thursday, July 17.
Dear Barack Obama: Dear Barack Obama: 07/19/2008
I grew to like you over the last year. I've always thought of you as dangerously naive at best. Eloquent, gifted, genuine, yes. But dangerously naive at best. I couldn't vote for you...
Snohomish Police Bike Patrol Snohomish Police Bike Patrol 07/17/2008
Snohomish Police Dept resurrects Bicycle Patrol. As staffing will allow, some Snohomish Officers will be utilizing bicycles for patrol.
County awarded eviction prevention, assistance grant County awarded eviction prevention, assistance grant 07/14/2008
Snohomish County will combat homelessness through a pilot eviction prevention and assistance program made possible by more than $1.6 million in state funding.
Mike Hope, Popular with Young People Too. Mike Hope, Popular with Young People Too. 07/11/2008
As the candidates start gearing up for the election one thing is clear, Mike Hope has gotten a thumbs up from local young people. Mike says he gets calls to volunteer almost every day.
Snohomish Farmers Market 2008 Snohomish Farmers Market 2008 07/08/2008
The seedlings of Snohomish's Farmers Market were planted back in 1991. That's when farmers from the rural areas surrounding Snohomish began bringing fresh produce to sell in town at the Market.
Drug Test your Kids at Home Drug Test your Kids at Home 07/07/2008
Hair Follicle Testing is one of the most trusted methods of drug testing today and is used by law enforcement officials and organizations alike. Youths are particularly vulnerable to the pressure to experiment with illegal substances.
County distributes $2 million in homeless funds County distributes $2 million in homeless funds 07/06/2008
Snohomish County has begun distributing more than $2 million in county raised funding to support programs geared toward ending chronic homelessness. The countys Human Services Department has awarded more than $1.54 million to 20 projects that specifically serve homeless individuals and families in a variety of programs.
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