Snohomish Football Jamboree

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Snohomish Football Jamboree

Snohomish Valley Junior Football held it's Jamboree on Saturday. Players were able to show off their skills they have learned at practice. The Snohomish Valley Junior Football Association is recognized as one of the premier programs for learning football fundamentals. The regular season start next Saturday and will continue into October.

Snohomish Valley Junior Football Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to safely teaching Snohomish Youth the importance of leadership, teamwork, dedication, and sportsmanship through the fun, exciting, physically challenging sport of tackle and flag football!

All Board members, Coaches, Assistants, and everyone else associated with the function of this league are completely volunteers! We love the sport of football and would love to share that enthusiasm with you and your son or daughter!

SVJFA is a self contained entity that joins youth football programs in Lake Stevens, Monroe, Marysville, Granite Falls and Sultan to form the Greater Snohomish County Youth Football League or GSCYFL