Snohomish Police Bike Patrol

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Snohomish Police Bike Patrol

As the needs for creative law enforcement changes in Snohomish, the Police Dept. steps up to fill them by adding bike patrols. Crimes like graffiti, drug dealing/using, theft, vandalism and vagrancy are viewed from a different angle on a bike. Trails that typically don't see many police patrols are now quickly accessable with a bike patrol in the area.

Bike patrols are community friendly by having closer contact with the officers and it allows residents a better ability to share neighborhood information without having to flag down a patrol car. A personal touch, if you will, to patroling our streets and parks. Studies have shown that police officers that are regularly out of their cars working a beat on foot or bike routinely get a better feel for the community. That in-turn creates better success in both solving crime and crime prevention. -Times

SNOHOMISH - Snohomish Police Dept resurrects Bicycle Patrol:

As staffing will allow, some Snohomish Officers will be utilizing bicycles for patrol. Recently, the surge in Catalytic Converter thefts from vehicles has increased the need for more patrol in parking lots. In addition the trails have always posed a problem that bicycles can address.

Bicycles provide stealth as well as enhancing all the officers' senses. The one drawback is that we can't rely on bike patrol for back up unless the officer just happens to be there so availability will depend on regular staffing but when possible we will be out there.

John H. Turner
Chief of Police
City of Snohomish