Infill development in downtown Marysville

Thursday, June 18, 2015
Infill development in downtown Marysville

What kind of development would you like to see in downtown Marysville? We’re seeking community feedback and want to hear your ideas.

The City of Marysville is a recipient technical assistance for Infill Development for Distressed Cities from the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2015 Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities. Join city staff, elected officials, commissioners, committee members and key stakeholders, along with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) workshop team, at a community meeting from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 25, in the City Council Chambers on the second floor of Marysville City Hall, 1049 State Ave.

The community meeting is focused on infill development, which involves building new homes, stores or offices on currently vacant or underutilized land. Tools provided by the EPA workshop team will help Marysville identify obstacles to infill development in the downtown core and strategies for overcoming those obstacles. We encourage you to join us at the community meeting, to learn more about infill development, hear your ideas, and consider how and where we can encourage it in our community.

To RSVP for the public forum, please contact Janis Lamoureux at 360-363-8214 or

To learn more about the community meeting, please contact Chris Holland at 360-363-8207 or