Skydivers to Gather in Snohomish

Friday, February 27, 2015
Skydivers to Gather in Snohomish

Skydive Snohomish expects more than 100 local skydivers to kick off the 2015 skydiving season by gathering for a day of training. Established by the U.S. Parachute Association in 1997, the annual nationwide Safety Day event focuses on making the sport safer and prepares recreational skydivers for the year ahead.

Safety Day includes a series of skydiving seminars and training drills that serve as both a refresher course and an introduction to new developments within the sport. Seasoned and rookie skydivers alike can evaluate equipment, brush up on basic skills and learn new procedures to help keep them safely soaring through the skies.

Skydiving operations are suspended for the day to allow staff participation in the event.

Saturday, March 14, 2015, 9 a.m. to 5pm