Dark, Stormy Halloween Night

Friday, October 31, 2014
Dark, Stormy Halloween Night

The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office is reminding drivers that dark and wet conditions forecast for tonight can pose a potential risk to our county’s littlest residents who will be out Trick or Treating.

“The predicted weather will affect visibility so drivers need to slow down and watch for pedestrians,” said Lt. Rodney Rochon with the Sheriff’s Office Traffic Section. “Drivers need to make sure their headlights are working properly.”

Parents are also urged to cross at designated crosswalks with their trick or treaters and hold the hands of younger children to avoid anyone darting out into the roadway.

“Halloween should be a night of safe fun for our county’s kids. We don’t want anyone to get hurt out there tonight,” he added.

Rochon also reminded this evening’s older party-goers to find a designated driver if they are too impaired to get behind the wheel.