Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The 50th annual meeting of the Columbia Basin Development League is Thursday, November 6 in the ATEC building on the Big Bend Campus in Moses Lake with a focus on meeting rising demand through investment in infrastructure.

Rufus Woods, Publisher and Chairman of The Wenatchee World will kick off the conference highlighting the League’s 50 years of support for the Columbia Basin Project followed by updates on both water distribution and conveyance by a panel of Quincy, East, and South Columbia Basin Irrigation District Managers and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Ephrata Field Office Manager.

New Bureau of Columbia-Cascades Area Manager of Reclamation, Dawn Wiedmeier, will address challenges in meeting rising demands on infrastructure with Derek Sandison, Director, Office of the Columbia River, Department of Ecology discusses the value of private/public partnerships in the practical application of building out the East Low Canal as part of the solution to the Odessa Aquifer depletion. News on the Odessa Ground Water Replacement Project will be shared by Levi Johnson, Development Coordinator of the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District. Additionally, Mike Schwisow, CBDL Director of Governmental Affairs, Olympia, will address the state’s investment and commitment to the Project and Bob Johnson of Water Strategies, Washington DC, will focus on federal challenges and funding.

The agenda and registration are available at: Program begins at 1:00 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m. and Annual Meeting and keynote starting at 6:45 p.m.

Early bird rates end on October 25:
• Conference and Annual meeting with dinner $50 per person
• Annual Meeting and dinner $35 per person
• Conference-only $25 per person