State Airport Investment Study

Saturday, April 05, 2014
State Airport Investment Study

Two Washington state senators were on hand to tout the importance of aviation during the second and final advisory committee meeting for the Airport Investment Study. The meeting took place on March 20 in Yakima.

Sen. Jim Honeyford delivered opening comments, while Sen. Curtis King made closing remarks. Both senators highlighted aviation’s crucial role in strengthening the state’s transportation and economy.

“The Airport Investment Study is an important tool that assesses the infrastructure of our airports, and is key to aviation and economic development,” remarked Sen. Jim Honeyford.

Now in its final stages, the Airport Investment Study will evaluate the need at Washington airports, determine the available funding and assess the gap between the two. It will also determine the potential consequences for maintaining the status quo.

The advisory committee plays a critical role in assisting the Washington State Department of Transportation and consultant CH2M Hill throughout the study process. The diverse committee, comprised of various aviation stakeholders from across the state, acts as a sounding board for the study’s process and draft findings.

Kandace Harvey, Harvey Field owner, represents the Washington Airport Management Association on the committee.