The Snohomish Police Department, with the help of SAFE [Save a Forgotten Equine], removed two neglected horses from their owner in September after receiving a report the horses were being neglected. Snohomish Police Officer Davis responded to a residence in the 1200 block of 22nd Street in the City of Snohomish in August and discovered two horses with obvious signs of neglect and malnutrition. Officer Davis sought the assistance of a veterinarian who examined the horses and determined that a lack of proper feeding was the primary cause of the malnutrition. The owner of the two horses was given a short period of time to correct the malnutrition before a follow-up visit from Officer Davis to determine progress.
During the follow-up visit by Officer Davis, it was determined that the condition of the horses had not improved so steps were taken to allow SAFE to take custody of the horses in an effort to provide them with much needed care. After taking custody of the two horses, a veterinarian performed a complete examination and determined one had to be euthanized due to significant damage caused by malnutrition. The second horse is being cared for by SAFE and is showing signs of improvement at this time. Animal Cruelty charges against the owner have been filed with the prosecutor’s office.
The cost to care for the neglected horses is an ongoing challenge for SAFE, a non-profit rescue organization operating under the direction of Executive Director Bonnie Hammond (206) 331-0006, and the public’s financial help is needed. In 2007 SAFE helped rescue 3 neglected horses in the City of Snohomish and this organization has been instrumental in providing much needed specialized assistance to the Snohomish Police Department. The current expenses associated with this latest rescue effort are over two thousand dollars in medical and food costs. Donations can be made directly to SAFE at, dropped off at the Snohomish Police Department [230 Maple Avenue, Snohomish] or feed donations or purchases at Snohomish Coop [168 Lincoln Avenue, Snohomish].