Online Technology becomes Cheaper and Easier Monday, April 11, 2011
Putting your business online has become easier than ever, even in small rural communities. Snohomish happens to have several well established internet technology businesses like Minisoft, Digital Media Arts and Active Web FX. They also have some new web page designers happen onto the seen in the past year. New techniques have allowed the business owners themselves to be their own webmaster. Take Wordpress as an example; the software in free, the server software (php) is free, the plug-ins like calendar, video, contact, schedule of events and hundreds more are all free. What about graphics and design? Yep! Thousands are free. What if you don't know any html or web coding? No problem with a few quick tutorials from youtube or even easier than that you could ask for some simple support from your web hosting company. Companies like Network Solutions and Godaddy offer live support, free themes and templates plus their own step by step instructions on putting up your own website instantly. Many websites today use formats like Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal simply because they are free and the tools to make them come alive are also free. There will always be a need for custom application developers but not like there used to be. Many developers have had to diversify into these new CMS driven web technologies even though they lose much of the customization that they were used too. Great examples of the power of Wordpress and Joomla template sites can be found at: Prices may vary but these sites typically run between $99 and $399 depending on features and hosting packages which are usually included in the package price. Remember to do your homework and ask a lot of questions. Some traditional developers forget to mention that they are more than capable of generating a template based CMS and for much less then you think. Questions you may want to ask: Keep in mind that not all these questions are relevant but the object is to get you thinking about controlling your own destiny and don't get taken to the cleaners in the process. A great resource for business help of any kind is Debbie Emgie with the City of Snohomish at (360) 568-3115. |